

As the old saying goes, “time is… fuel.”

In a galaxy where fuel cells are more valuable than currency, Dione Fletcher isn’t exactly the most scrupulous of starship captains. She has only one rule before she takes on a new job: it has to be interesting. Illegal spice? Aevitan dreammaker plants? Exotic weapons? The more interesting the better, as long as the client has the fuel cells to pay for it. And if that makes Captain Fletcher a pirate in the eyes of the Galactic Confederation, she’ll gladly fly the jolly roger on her solar sail.

When Captain Fletcher and the crew of the Voidwalker are approached by a person named Bec with what seems like an ordinary, boring travel charter, she doesn’t want to accept. But the Voidwalker has been stranded on a backwater asteroid colony for months due to a series of mistakes Captain Fletcher would rather not think about, and Bec is their only hope of a charter that will pay enough to get them back to civilized space. The Captain can’t afford to refuse. But Bec has a secret that could topple the very foundations of the galactic economy, and the Confederation will stop at nothing to prevent them from revealing it.

Voidwalkers is a serialized novel that I started to exercise my writing muscles. I haven’t quite decided what to do with it yet, but I would love to one day turn it into a graphic novel.

Genre: Science fiction