It's Been A While

Look, I’m not great at keeping up with a blog. Or with social media, either, but that’s besides the point. I prefer to spend my time writing fiction and enjoying my hobbies. Blogging feels like another chore for me so I put it off and put it off until, whoops, it’s been over a year since I wrote my previous one. Given that, it’s well past time I popped in with some updates.


I’m still querying Brother Tethers, off and on. I haven’t had any bites yet, but that’s just how it goes. I attended a workshop this spring where I met a few agents and had some promising talks about my book that really helped me improve my pitch, so hopefully something will come of that.


I’ve finished drafting the dinosaur western novel I started working on last year, and have put that aside for later edits. I’ve also started seriously drafting the sequel to Broken Tethers, and am hoping to have a completed working draft finished by the end of the year. I’m also still writing short stories, but those have taken a bit of a backburner this year as I push forward on my novel goals.


I have a couple pieces of good publishing news! Air and Nothingness Press is publishing a new Librarian anthology and invited me and the other previous Librarian authors to contribute stories! “Inter-Librarian Loan” is being published in two volumes and is set to be released in November of this year. It will be a fantastic collection of multiverse short stories, each one diverging from a previous Librarian story into something new. It was a fun project that I was excited to be part of.

My other publishing news is still kind of under wraps: no contracts have been signed yet so I can’t share official news. But exciting things are coming!

Other News

In other news, I was accepted to participate in the Futurescapes Workshop this Fall! In October, I’ll be workshopping the opening chapters of Broken Tethers, as well as my query letter and synopsis, with professional agents and authors. I’m looking forward to this opportunity to improve my work and make connections with professionals who might be able to help me get published.

That’s all for now! I’m just keeping on writing. Forward progress and finishing what I start are half the battle, so I’m pleased with what I’ve accomplished in the past year.

More to come.

<3 A.P.