More writing news!

It’s been nearly two years since I updated this blog (yikes), but I’ve been steadily working on my writing all this time. And I have two pieces of exciting writing news to share!

First, my latest short story, “Stolen History”, about a multiverse-traveling Librarian and her trusty Satchel finding a place where the people have forgotten how to read, was accepted for publication in the upcoming The Librarian anthology from Air and Nothingness Press! The Kickstarter is live now, and has been amazingly successful, but you can still make a pledge to get a copy until the end of October. Trust me when I say, it’s worth it. All the stories in this anthology are fantastic.

Kickstarter for The Librarian

Second, I’ve finally finished drafting my first Ecanthra novel, tentatively titled Broken Tethers. It still needs some revisions and editing, but I’m planning to start querying it sometime early next year. Broken Tethers is my most ambitious writing project to date that I’ve actually followed through on, so I’m immensely proud to have it all on paper. I have high hopes for this series, and I hope agents, editors, and readers will love the world and characters as much as I do. Once I start sending to first book out for queries, it will be time to start writing book 2!

That’s all for now. I’ll be back here soon with more updates.

<3 Anna